Diacomit (stiripentol) is a unique antiseizure medication developed by Biocodex in the 1990s. Stiripentol is prescribed for managing seizures linked to Dravet syndrome (DS), a rare genetic condition affecting the brain and triggering seizures. It is specifically indicated for treating seizures associated with DS in patients aged 6 months and older who are concurrently taking clobazam. Stiripentol operates as a triple combination therapy, enhancing the function of the GABA neurotransmitter to aid in seizure control.

How Stiripentol Works?

Stiripentol is a triple combination therapy that works in the following ways:

1. Improving GABA Function: Stiripentol boosts the functionality of the GABA neurotransmitter, crucial for seizure control. This enhancement aids in maintaining a balanced neurotransmitter environment in the brain, mitigating the symptoms associated with Dravet syndrome (DS).

2. Comprehensive Therapeutic Approach: Stiripentol constitutes a combination of three medications, stiripentol, valproate, and clobazam. Each component targets distinct aspects of DS functionality, synergistically enhancing the overall effectiveness of the therapy.

Clinical Advancements and Efficacy

Clinical trials have underscored the substantial effectiveness of Stiripentol in addressing Dravet syndrome (DS). Findings from a phase 3 clinical trial revealed that individuals administered Stiripentol experienced enhanced seizure control and reduced hospitalizations compared to those who received a placebo. Moreover, Stiripentol has demonstrated efficacy in diminishing seizures, particularly in infants below the age of 2 with DS.

Safety and Future Implications

While Stiripentol can assist in controlling DS symptoms, it’s crucial to understand that it may not necessarily provide a cure for the disease. Similar to various targeted therapies, Stiripentol may impact healthy cells. Nevertheless, the creation of Stiripentol signifies a noteworthy progression in precision medicine, providing a more customized and efficient strategy for addressing DS with fewer off-target side effects compared to earlier treatments.

Diacomit/Stiripentol has been shown to be effective at reducing emergency hospitalizations due to long-lasting seizures. The most common side effects included drowsiness, reduced appetite, and irritability. Always consult with a healthcare professional for personalized medical advice and treatment.

For those seeking to buy Stiripentol online, exclusively available in the US and Europe, Sansfro Health provides a trustworthy solution. Committed to streamlining the importation process, Sansfro Health offers accurate pricing details for a seamless experience. Sansfro facilitates the importation with genuine pricing and comprehensive support.

Patients interested in importing medication are required to provide a valid prescription, identity proof, healthcare professional details, and current address. The Sansfro team initiates the application for an import license, ensuring access to the required medication upon government approval. To inquire about the price of Stiripentol in India and to understand the importation procedure, individuals can contact the Patient Support Team at (+91) 93157 05373 or via email at help@sansfro.com


  1. https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/2018/206709s000,207223s000lbl.pdf
  2. https://dravetsyndromenews.com/news/diacomit-may-treat-refractory-seizures-outside-dravet/ 
  3. https://www.diacomit.com/babies-and-children/ 
  4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7275018/   https://dravetsyndromenews.com/news/diacomit-is-an-effective-add-on-therapy-to-reduce-seizures-in-dravet/